The Ghostly Mystery I Never Solved

In 2013, I defended Halloween as a fun and harmless holiday. In 2014, I talked about some of my favorite scary movies and how they got surprisingly theological. But what will I do for 2015? All the arguments have been argued. All the movies have been movied. I’m certainly not going to do a Pinterest-y post about my favorite Halloween decorations just so y’all can post your “Nailed It”...

Response to “My Brush With Feminism”

Every time I decide to move away from the feminist topic on the blog for awhile, something happens on the internet that makes me go back to it. The blog Femina Girls recently posted an article by Rebekah Merkle called “My Brush With Feminism.” You’d think it would be about her brush with feminism. It’s actually more of a treatise on what she believes feminism to be, how she thinks it’s...

Chores, Sex, Marital Health, and People Who Didn’t Finish Reading the Article.

Christians for Biblical Equality, one of my favorite church organizations, took the month of September to tackle the topic of sex within egalitarian Christian marriages on their blog, The Scroll. This led to some wonderful articles. I'm thrilled to see a religious organization that values equality talk about sexuality and intimacy, since that topic comes up so frequently in complementarian camps....

Gender confusion, aisle seven. Gender confusion to aisle seven, please!

Yet another chance to use the word kerfuffle! It’s always a good day when I get to use that word. This time, it’s a kerfuffle about Target’s recent decision to stop labeling a “boys’ section” and “girls’ section” in the toy aisles at its store. The Council for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood released an article, written by their executive director Grant Castleberry, stating that...

Follow-up to “It’s All About Women; No, Really!”

Hey guys, remember that time that the president of The Council For Biblical Manhood and Womanhood got frustrated with secular culture because secular culture didn't believe that complementarianism was all about husbands serving wives? Well on July 6, CBMW published another article explaining how the way to uphold a strong marriage culture is for wives to serve husbands. Remember my blog post...