The kind of person who goes places in the car between sleeps.

Last night, I had a little problem. I woke up after two hours of sleep feeling totally awake. I unknowingly suffered from severe sleep apnea for years, due to a tiny throat cavity (thanks genetics, I owe you). For years, my body operated off of sub-par sleep every single day, so it still gets mixed up on occasion and thinks that two to three hours of real sleep is an absolute feast, and that...

Star Wars: The Reviewer Awakens

I didn’t think I would review this movie. I didn’t think I would even go see this movie. Yet here I am on a Monday night, penning the intro of what turned out to be the most complex review I’ve ever written on my blog. Dreamed up at 1 a.m., patched together over several days, written and re-written and edited, here is my experience of The Force Awakens. (Spoilers. Duh.)     1997...

If ISIS is the Joker, are we the boats?

Politicians are becoming reluctant to welcome Syrian refugees after the tragic attack in Paris last weekend. Remember the boat scene in The Dark Knight? The Joker strands two boats on a river, gives them the ability to blow each other up, and states that if neither boat has destroyed the other by midnight, he'll destroy them both. I'm pretty sure ISIS is doing some version of this right now, and...

Democrats were democratting while Republicans republicked.

Something big happened today. Sitting in the line at Starbucks (having ordered one of those unholy red abominations at my own eternal peril), I turned to NPR for some entertainment. I thought before I turned there, "Ten to one they'll be talking politics." And gosh darn if they didn't read my mind. I've heard a million political conversations and broadcasts by this point in my life. But on this...

Life Inside A Screen — Part 1

Remember when life was in 3-D? We talked to people and had to watch body language. Reading happened on a page held between your fingers. Eyesight required this thing called depth perception, because most of what we looked at wasn’t projected from a flat surface. I remember that time. In fact, that was my childhood. But I’m alarmed, at 32, to realize how much of my adult life happens on a...