How the Accidental Complementarian confused the bejeebers out of me today!

I think this will be my last egalitarian post for awhile, unless some unforeseen blogosphere emergency arises. Starting tomorrow I’d like to switch back to pleasanter topics. But I discovered an article about an accidental complementarian over at Her.Meneutics and was so baffled by it that I had to write a post just to put my thoughts in order. This blog is becoming like therapy for me.It...

Christian Feminism: Friend or Foe? Part 2

As we saw in yesterday's post, a recent article made the argument that feminism is unnecessary for Christians, and I gave my view on why that’s not so. As promised yesterday, I want to spend this post examining the second main objection that Walsh raised against feminism (again, with the understanding that I am picking on his article because it represents a widely-held view among many...

Christian Feminism: Friend or Foe? Part I

A recent article warned Christian women (and men, in parentheses) that Feminism Is Not Your Friend. It asked whether feminism and Christianity are incompatible.This is a question many Christians on both sides of the aisle are asking. (For those who don’t know, “the aisle” means the divide between Christian complementarians and egalitarians. Complementarians believe the Bible teaches a...

40 Days of Easter: April 21

(My to-do book. If it doesn't get written here, it doesn't happen.)To prove to myself that I would actually follow through on my 40 Days of Easter Project, I decided to start right away this morning. So here's my plan for today's Eastery-ness:I woke up this morning after a 3-day weekend realizing how woefully behind I am on work. E-mails to write, things to grade, messes to organize, problems to...

40 Days of Easter Project

N.T. Wright, my favorite contemporary theologian, says the modern church has gotten the celebration of Easter a bit wrong.In his book Surprised by Hope, Wright takes readers back to a holistic view of God's purposes in Jesus' resurrection--a purpose that goes beyond personal fire insurance for individuals and encompasses the restoration and redemption of all creation. This means, argues Wright,...