40 Days of Easter: April 21

(My to-do book. If it doesn't get written here, it doesn't happen.)To prove to myself that I would actually follow through on my 40 Days of Easter Project, I decided to start right away this morning. So here's my plan for today's Eastery-ness:I woke up this morning after a 3-day weekend realizing how woefully behind I am on work. E-mails to write, things to grade, messes to organize, problems to...

Modesty Battles and the Role of the Fashion Industry

With April nearly on us and summer around the corner, do you dread the start of the modesty battles as much as I do?You know what I’m talking about. Someone writes a blog post urging girls to embrace modest dress in an effort to prevent lust. Someone else writes a response post discussing how this attitude hurts women. More posts pop up. All of them get shared on Facebook. The comment section...