St. Louis Area Writers' Conference, April 2010

Just signed up for a writers' conference which I am pumped about. And not least because I actually have a friend to go with me this time! The Missouri Writer's Guild conference will be held April 16-18 in Chesterfield, MO. So if you're a writer in the St. Louis or southern Illinois area (or even if you're not but just feel like making the drive), come join us. Agents include Kristin Nelson of...

A Busy Week

Pub Board discussions are going on this week at Written World Communications. It's quite an exciting time as we look at a selection of submitted work and decide which items to pick for publication this year. We're hoping to start the year off with a bang, and also to be diverse in the fiction we publish. We have discussed genres from romance to historical to paranormal thriller. Just have to wait...

New Year's Start on Queries, Editing

The holidays are finally at an end! Between Thanksgiving, preparations for Christmas, Christmas itself, and New Year's, I've been off my regular schedule (writing and otherwise) for about two months straight. But now I'm back! And instead of making New Year's Resolutions to foster new and better habits, I'm focusing on the habits I need to get back into. Here's my list of things to do. I'll be...

A Painless Rejection Letter–Does Such A Thing Exist?

Yes, you heard it here first, folks. I got a rejection letter (er, e-mail) that actually wasn't painful. Here's why. One year ago this summer, I sent a proposal of my then-unfinished novel FLYNN to a publishing house. I had connections through a writer's conference, and expected to hear back promptly. Nothing happened for months. Over time, I came to assume that they didn't want the thing, so I...