Second Book in Trilogy

Nano has begun, and so has my feverish dash through a first draft of FLYNN Book II. I find writing the second installment in a trilogy much different from writing the first. Authors usually have a clear idea of the story's beginning and end, but the middle--well--that gets kind of muddy. When written well, second installments can be the filling in the proverbial sandwich--every bit as good and...


Following my October vacation to the Sirens conference, I've fallen behind with my usual life schedule. Sadly, all of my best habits (writing regularly, exercising, cooking healthy food, blogging) have gone by the wayside. With October nearly over and NaNoWriMo upon us, I realize it's time to get back in shape (figuratively and, okay, maybe literally too!). Some goals. Ahem. This blog now has a...


For the first time--ever--I'm going to participate in NaNoWriMo. I wanted to last year, but urgent revisions on my novel prevented me from starting any new rough drafts. You can't churn out revisions on a quick schedule the way you can with fresh material. However, before NaNo, I have a few housekeeping matters with my writing. The first being to send out the two short stories I've been meaning...