Captivity: The Inevitable Turnoff

I'm about two-thirds through THE WARRIOR HEIR and enjoying it pretty well. The middle dragged a bit, and for awhile my attention flagged. In fact, I almost lost interest in the thing and stopped reading entirely. Here's why. *spoilers!* Teenage warrior Jack is on the run from two wizarding Houses, the Reds and the Whites, both of whom wish to catch him and force him to participate in the...

Dead Characters

I'm reading a YA fantasy series (I won't say which one to avoid spoilers) and one of the two main characters died suddenly in the middle of the second book (it's a four-book series). It's a rather disorienting sensation. In the realm of fantasy and adventure, most main characters make it to the end, or at least until the final battle. I can't tell if it's upsetting or refreshing to have someone...


Up and Writing Book Club MELTING STONES, Week 1: Chapters 1-6 (p 1-85) Welcome to Up and Writing's first book club meeting. Let's jump right in, shall we? I'll start the conversation off with a few thoughts: First, I'd just like to say I really enjoyed this book. The first six chapters are enough to let the reader know that this won't be a run-of-the-mill YA fantasy. We've got a teen...

Life Imitates Art

This is too weird. I just read EON: DRAGONEYE REBORN by Alison Goodman about a girl posing as a boy to win a competition. Then today I stumbled on this Yahoo story. In Goodman's story, Eon and her master believe she can excel in the Dragoneye competition. But it's closed to girls, so they pass her off as a young boy. As they suspected, she wins the competition.  Throughout the book, others...

Inspiring Book!

I just finished BOOK OF A THOUSAND DAYS by Shannon Hale and it was simply inspiring! Not since THE OTHER BOLEYN GIRL have I read through something so fast, just because I needed to find out what happens next. Great storytelling, fast-paced plot, likable characters, and a love story that doesn't writhe with stereotypes and sugar. This will certainly be the book club's next book after MELTING...