Book Club Update

So, I'm getting the feeling that most of you didn't have time to get and/or read MELTING STONES before this week. LOL. Holly Pants gets the prize for the first book club comment, though. :) Here's what I think we'll do. Next time, I was going to post discussion starters for the next quarter of the book. Since we didn't really discuss the first quarter this week, we'll leave the first quarter and...


I am participating in NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month, a cousin to National Novel Writing Month in November), which is a month of daily posting. I gotta admit, the name isĀ half the reason I'm doing it. NaBloPoMo. I love it. So, as my first post, I will give a random rundown of my life as it stands right this second. I'm frantically working towards my deadline of having third draft Flynn...