New Year's Start on Queries, Editing

The holidays are finally at an end! Between Thanksgiving, preparations for Christmas, Christmas itself, and New Year's, I've been off my regular schedule (writing and otherwise) for about two months straight. But now I'm back! And instead of making New Year's Resolutions to foster new and better habits, I'm focusing on the habits I need to get back into. Here's my list of things to do. I'll be...


Following my October vacation to the Sirens conference, I've fallen behind with my usual life schedule. Sadly, all of my best habits (writing regularly, exercising, cooking healthy food, blogging) have gone by the wayside. With October nearly over and NaNoWriMo upon us, I realize it's time to get back in shape (figuratively and, okay, maybe literally too!). Some goals. Ahem. This blog now has a...

Make Money Blogging–Review

I subscribe to Daniel Scocco's Daily Blog Tips site, which provides a wealth of information on everything bloggish. He recently published an e-book called MAKE MONEY BLOGGING which I downloaded free as a subscriber. As blogging for a living isn't my exact goal, I didn't expect the book to be of much interest; I assumed it would focus on advertising and financial strategies. But I was pleasantly...