Why the Mike Brown shooting is about race, even if it isn’t.

It’s been a month since Mike Brown, an unarmed 18-year-old black man from Ferguson, MO, was shot to death by a white police officer named Darren Wilson. A month of protests, a month of unrest, a month of conflict between citizens and police in St. Louis—and a month of painful conversations about race and class.With Ferguson’s largely black population calling attention to police...

How To Make An Astounding Proposal, Politely.–A Satire

We all know how hard it can be to convince people of controversial topics. Cannibalism, Y2K survival, aliens in ancient Egypt, small animal sacrifice…some topics have been so roundly dismissed by the public that any attempt to discuss them is met with immediate scorn, if not outright condemnation.But never fear! If you need to convince your blog readers of something hard to swallow, like that...

Redhead With A Rep Part 2: Rose from “Titanic”

To continue our series on redheaded characters who deserve more respect, I introduce you to Rose DeWitt Bukater of the 1997 film Titanic, played by Kate Winslet. (Missed Part I about The Little Mermaid ? Find it here).If you haven’t yet seen this movie, I beg of you to crawl forth from your rock and acquaint yourself with pop cultural touchstones of the last 20 years. (I gulped a bit on...

Redheads With A Rep: Ariel From “The Little Mermaid”

(This post originally appeared on my other blog, before I set up Observational Ginger. First publication date was Feb. 22, 2014)."Redheads With A Rep" will be a two-post series about redheaded female movie protagonists that I believe have been misunderstood and unfairly maligned by the general public. I didn't set out specifically to talk about redheads, but both of the characters I want to...

Archived Post: Halloween: Why Others Don’t Celebrate It, and Why I Do

(This post originally appeared on my former blog, before I set up Observational Ginger. It's a good fit here, so I decided to move it over. The original publication date was November 1, 2013).Seeing as how this blog will likely focus on a lot of things at the intersection of faith and culture, I decided Halloween was as good a time to come out of hibernation as any.Oh yes. I’m going there.I...