Newsweek Slams Evangelicals?

Remember that scene in “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade” when Indy and his dad (played by Sean Connery) fly a plane out of a blimp and engage in an air battle with Nazis? After a lengthy shootout, a crazy landing, and running from bullets as they strife the ground, Indy and his dad hunch for a moment in temporary shelter. Connery picks that moment to explain, wide-eyed and surprised,...

A Tale of Three Maxims

Ever fallen so in love with a book that you could literally see every moment? You smell the smell of each location, feel the temperature of the air, hear the specific pitch of every voice saying every line? People like us should not watch book-to-movies. I recently finished reading Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier to my husband J. I’d read it three times already. I love the story and have vivid...

New Blog, New Year, New Adventures

Welcome to my fancy-schmancy new blog home! I hope you like it. Please pardon any further construction that takes place in the next few days. Take it as a series of happy surprises that give you a reason to return! You may notice a sudden archive of posts from 2010. I blogged at this address five years ago, back when I thought writing about writing was my destiny. This is a resuscitation of that...

3 Scary Movies That Got Surprisingly Theological

Yes, it’s that time of year again, when my favorite color (purple) gets incorporated into the seasonal color scheme and my favorite activity (dressing up as someone else) becomes socially acceptable for 24 hours. I’m talking about Halloween, people!My love of this quirky holiday happens to coincide with another guilty pleasure of mine: scary movies. I admit to having a particular taste for...

What Happens After Mark Driscoll?

Mark Driscoll resigned from Mars Hill, and it wasn’t even my birthday yet.Ba-dum-ching.Driscoll explaining to his audience about the TV-like visions he has of sexual sin.Okay. In all seriousness. I actually don’t feel very gloat-y. Which is weird, since I’ve done nothing but call for his resignation (privately, indignantly, mostly in my living room with my husband and pets as the audience)...