What Luna the CPAP taught me about chilling out.

Last fall, I went to the doctor for what I thought was night-time asthma and got a diagnosis I didn’t expect. Apparently, I’m simply riddled with sleep apnea. At 31. Who knew? I’m underweight, female, and don’t even snore. Tell me that’s fair. A few weeks later, I returned from the medical supply office with Luna. Luna is my CPAP machine. I named her. Very Hazel Lancaster of me, I know,...

I’m Glad I Didn’t “Guard My Heart”

One of the great things about having in-laws as crazy as oneself is that they become your conversation partners for topics you can’t typically discuss with others. The other day, my sister-in-law and I tried to make some sense of the phrase “guarding your heart” which got bandied about so liberally in our youth group culture during the early 00’s. (I can think of few other friends who’d...

Since when is “Evangelicalism” the watermark?

A recent dust-up over Rachel Held Evans’ possible departure from Evangelicalism has me wondering why “Evangelicalism” has become such a sticking point for so many. Evans has openly discussed her disillusionment with Evangelicalism, and her draw toward other Christian traditions, for a solid year now, but her recent interview with Jonathan Merritt of Religion News Service drew new attention...

A good, Old-Fashioned review!

One week ago, I committed to reviewing the new Christian movie Old-Fashioned, which marketed itself as the antithesis of 50 Shades of Grey. My decision was part curiosity and part optimism that the state of Christian art could get better. I really, really wanted to like this film. I’m tired of being the haranguing siren that stays stuck forever on the “Christian art is sub-par” note. I went...

Strachan’s views on male leadership: It’s all about women! No, really!

Owen Strachan, the president of complementarian organization CBMW, got up in arms the other day because of media reactions to his friend Gavin Peacock’s blog and Twitter posts about gender roles. Strachan claimed that the secular media's reaction to complementarianism just proves how misunderstood this joyful, God-given marital system really is. I had obvious problems with a lot of Strachan’s...