Update on Book Club

The <a href="http://rachelhestondavis.wordpress.com/2009/08/11/young-adult-book-club-online/">Up and Writing Book Club</a> has a few announcements: The date of our first book discussion has been postponed to Monday, Aug. 24. It was going to be next Wednesday, but as I've just now announced the club, I thought I'd give you all an extra week or so to track down the book and start...

Author Pics

Got a round of pictures taken today for my web site. I needed a head shot to use for my site and as my profile pictures on Facebook, Twitter and other things. Hopefully the site and the picture will be up soon! I never knew taking pictures outdoors could be so complicated. We had trouble from sun, shadows, tombstones, wind, and a twig that wanted to poke my eyes out. For those who weren't here...

Young Adult Book Club Online

So I'm going to try something new with this blog. I've been wanting to talk about the YA books Idiscovered this summer, but instead of inundating you with reviews for books you haven't read--I'm starting the Up and Writing online book club. Unlike regular book clubs which meet once a month, we're going to read each book in four segments and have weekly discussions right here at Up and Writing....

Artist Retreat Part II

As my week-long artist retreat in Missouri comes to an end, here's Part II of my list on how to get the most from your retreat. Take a variety of things to do. You may burn out on one project after several hours but still have the rest of the day to work. Take things to renew your mind such as books, and do those for a couple hours to get the creative juices back on track. How much internet time...

Artist Retreat in MO

Artist retreats provide a wonderful opportunity to get loads of work done, rest your over-stuffed brain, and most importantly, recharge the creative battery. This week, I’ve retreated to the sticks of Missouri to get some serious work done. Artist retreats aren’t like normal vacations; they can be a waste of time if you don’t come back with work to show for it. As I go through my week,...