Captivity: The Inevitable Turnoff

I'm about two-thirds through THE WARRIOR HEIR and enjoying it pretty well. The middle dragged a bit, and for awhile my attention flagged. In fact, I almost lost interest in the thing and stopped reading entirely. Here's why. *spoilers!* Teenage warrior Jack is on the run from two wizarding Houses, the Reds and the Whites, both of whom wish to catch him and force him to participate in the...

Dead Characters

I'm reading a YA fantasy series (I won't say which one to avoid spoilers) and one of the two main characters died suddenly in the middle of the second book (it's a four-book series). It's a rather disorienting sensation. In the realm of fantasy and adventure, most main characters make it to the end, or at least until the final battle. I can't tell if it's upsetting or refreshing to have someone...

Happy Endings Writing Contest

I recently got in a discussion at Science Fiction and Fantasy Novelists about happy endings--are they cheesy? Unrealistic? Do you like them or find them trite? I won't delve into that argument here. Maybe I'll save it for a later post. But it did give me an idea for Up and Writing's very first ever contest.Ooooh. I want to hear your very best real-life happy ending. When did you fight the...