Readalong With The Seasons–Halloween '09

"Readalong With the Seasons" is a new series of posts offering suggestions for quality books to get you and your family "in the mood" for upcoming holidays! As Halloween approaches, I've hand-picked a short list of my favorite spooky tales. Full-length novel: DRACULA by Bram Stoker Written more than one hundred years ago, this classic horror novel became the foundation of much pop-culture vampire...


For the first time--ever--I'm going to participate in NaNoWriMo. I wanted to last year, but urgent revisions on my novel prevented me from starting any new rough drafts. You can't churn out revisions on a quick schedule the way you can with fresh material. However, before NaNo, I have a few housekeeping matters with my writing. The first being to send out the two short stories I've been meaning...

Trekking Through the Rockies

I just finished up my long trek to Colorado for the inaugural year of the Sirens conference, and boy oh boy was it a week of adventure! It was an exercise in socializing, networking, intellectualizing...and survival. The altitude alone took some endurance. Crammed into the car with my husband and parents (our luggage practically spring-loaded the trunk), we made the ear-popping climb to Vail, CO,...

Another silly rat obit–rest in peace, Ziggy

by Rachel Heston Davis Ziggy Rat Ziggy the Rat (aka Ziggurat), two-and-a-half, of Edwardsville, IL, died Tuesday, Sept. 29, 2009 at Hawthorne Animal Hospital from complications of mammary cancer and old age. Born in early 2007, Ziggy spent the first part of his life in Petco of Rockford, IL before being purchased by the Davis family and taken to Oregon, IL. Ziggy was a quiet, unassuming rat. He...

Publications of all sorts

I got another article published over at Friends of Lulu. If you've ever wanted to know the five most important things about creating graphic works, read it here. Things are getting exciting around here! I'm checking out contests for a couple of my short stories, querying FLYNN, and a friend of mine just launched a small publishing company which is desperately seeking submissions. Just what every...