Sci Fi, Fantasy Lovers Unite!

Most Sci Fi/Fantasy lovers agree; our beloved genres take a lot of abuse from the general public. Whether it's outright disdain for the genre, or a passive disregard for it, we've all felt the sting of having our great worlds, stories and concepts dismissed as fringe hobbies for "losers." But what if Sci Fi and Fantasy are already an integral part of our culture--so integral that people would be...

Tuesdays with Tuesday

In light of several time-consuming events (vacation, FLYNN, NaNoWriMo, graphic novel, part-time job-hunting), I thought it prudent to have someone help contribute posts for me now and again. My good friend Tuesday Jones volunteered to submit posts once a week. We're calling it "Tuesdays with Tuesday." You'll like Tuesday; she is just a scream. I am Tuesday's scribe. We met years ago when she...

Second Book in Trilogy

Nano has begun, and so has my feverish dash through a first draft of FLYNN Book II. I find writing the second installment in a trilogy much different from writing the first. Authors usually have a clear idea of the story's beginning and end, but the middle--well--that gets kind of muddy. When written well, second installments can be the filling in the proverbial sandwich--every bit as good and...

Publishing Opportunity for Young Writers

Are you a young writer looking for publishing opportunities? Writers 25 and under with unpublished short pieces should check out Survival By Storytelling Magazine, a small publication by blogger Shaun Duke and Young Writers SBS publishes short work of any genre by young authors. Fiction, plays, poetry and nonfiction articles are all accepted. Submission guidelines and other...


Following my October vacation to the Sirens conference, I've fallen behind with my usual life schedule. Sadly, all of my best habits (writing regularly, exercising, cooking healthy food, blogging) have gone by the wayside. With October nearly over and NaNoWriMo upon us, I realize it's time to get back in shape (figuratively and, okay, maybe literally too!). Some goals. Ahem. This blog now has a...