Books that Shaped Us

I'm starting a new post idea called Books that Shaped Us, where we can talk about those books which influenced us most in childhood and what we remember of them. This idea started a few weekends ago when my husband and I went for a family visit to my parents' house. In digging through the basement (for some unfathomable reason), we stumbled upon an old plastic bin full of the books I owned in...

Haunting Borders

Yesterday, all I did for the entire day was haunt Borders. Borders is an excellent place to haunt. They have ready-made spaces for haunters--though admittedly, those spaces have become few and far between since they moved all the chairs back to the café section. They used to have chairs all over the place, but I think someone wised up to the fact that dedicated readers sitting in the café are...

So Many YA Books!

The size of my reading que approaches unbelievable lengths this week. I'm still trying to finish PURE by Terra Elan McVoy--I started this one primarily out of curiosity, to see how an author would handle the Christian faith in a mainstream YA novel about sex and friendship. My search for further volumes of Tanith Lee's CLAIDI JOURNALS turned up empty. Oh, I found them at the library all right,...

St. Louis Area Writers' Conference, April 2010

Just signed up for a writers' conference which I am pumped about. And not least because I actually have a friend to go with me this time! The Missouri Writer's Guild conference will be held April 16-18 in Chesterfield, MO. So if you're a writer in the St. Louis or southern Illinois area (or even if you're not but just feel like making the drive), come join us. Agents include Kristin Nelson of...