Domain name!

It's important for modern authors to market themselves online via web sites, and to that end I purchased tonight. I'm so excited! I have an excellent web designer friend all lined up to work with me, so hopefully within a short amount of time I will announce the release of my site upon the world. Mwuh-ha-ha! In other news, you can now subscribe to this blog via email! Just...

What's so Creative About Creative Writing?

What makes a piece of writing creative? Why do certain genres--novels, short stories, poetry, journalism, even copywriting--get the additional word "creative" attached to them? Is it because they require the execution of certain forms? Perhaps the manipulation of form, such as the rising and falling action of a story or the line pattern of poems, and a careful choice of words...

Old School Writing Style

J. R. R. Tolkien had an old-school writing style. He studied mythology and Old English extensively, and his prose in Lord of the Rings reflects a high, mythic sound reminiscent of older books and stories. A sound I don't run into anymore in the world of literature. That is, until now. Imagine my surprise when I ran across a modern book (copywright 2002) with a high wordy sound like Tolkien, and...

Online Networking and To-Do Lists

Here are the quick and easy online networking tips I used today: 1. Subscribed to a blog concerned with my writing genre 2. E-mailed the creators of another relevant blog and commented on their site 3. Follow-up correspondence about guest writing on other sites I also wrote up an official To-Do list and made it less daunting using a tried-and-true trick. Many of my overall tasks (example, Get...

Under the Avalanche of Publishing Research

I've been skipping around blogs and web sites which talk about querying, publishing, agents, author platforms, and other subjects relevant to a hopeful writer. After about a week of this, I feel that I'm only at the tip of the iceberg. I also feel more than a little overwhelmed. The sheer number of said blogs and websites contributes mightily to the problem. One site can have five links that I...