Writing at home — a "real" job?

Is writing at home a real job? Maybe for Steven King. But is it a real job for aspiring authors who haven't been published and aren't seeing any money yet? Most authors (including me) think so, but there are always those who disagree, who see it as a lazy excuse to stay home. The great write-at-home debate has finally been settled in the Yahoo universe. This Yahoo news article officially...


With everything we authors have to keep in mind (the ins-and-outs of writing, the ins-and-outs of publishing, the habits, the marketing, etc.) we often forget one important item: positive feedback! I got positive feedback on FLYNN today. We're talking the kind of feedback where my reader stayed up late because she couldn't stop reading, and can't imagine that FLYNN won't get published. After...

Query Letter Guidelines

What does a good query letter look like? Well, that depends on who you ask. Frustrating as it is, different sources will give you different query letter guidelines. I know this because I'm in the process of querying for FLYNN, and have read two books and several web sites on the subject. Here are the guidelines which seem to be consistent. A query should: give a concise description of the...

And the winner is…….

Thanks to everyone who voted for my query letter hook! The winner is a hybrid combination of sentences 2 and 4, with a hint of 3. "Sixteen-year-old Flynn thinks learning about her dead parents is a dream come true—until she’s asked to live up to their legacy by leading the army to war." I appreciated that you guys took time to actually analyze why you liked or didn't like each sentence....

Best Query Letter Hook

Every novelist faces the dreaded query letter eventually--that unsolicited piece of mail meant to convince an agent that you, a complete stranger, have something worth their time to read. This summer it's my turn to craft one, and I need all of your help (it'll only take a second, I promise). Below, I've listed four possible opening lines, or hooks, to start my query letter with. A good hook...