So Many YA Books!

The size of my reading que approaches unbelievable lengths this week. I'm still trying to finish PURE by Terra Elan McVoy--I started this one primarily out of curiosity, to see how an author would handle the Christian faith in a mainstream YA novel about sex and friendship. My search for further volumes of Tanith Lee's CLAIDI JOURNALS turned up empty. Oh, I found them at the library all right,...

St. Louis Area Writers' Conference, April 2010

Just signed up for a writers' conference which I am pumped about. And not least because I actually have a friend to go with me this time! The Missouri Writer's Guild conference will be held April 16-18 in Chesterfield, MO. So if you're a writer in the St. Louis or southern Illinois area (or even if you're not but just feel like making the drive), come join us. Agents include Kristin Nelson of...

A Busy Week

Pub Board discussions are going on this week at Written World Communications. It's quite an exciting time as we look at a selection of submitted work and decide which items to pick for publication this year. We're hoping to start the year off with a bang, and also to be diverse in the fiction we publish. We have discussed genres from romance to historical to paranormal thriller. Just have to wait...