Team Edward Team Jacob

So unless you live under a rock, you know the terms "Team Edward" and "Team Jacob." They're shorthand to differentiate between the two Twilight camps. Those in the "Team Edward" camp rooted for Bella and Edward. Those in "Team Jacob" decided that Bella's breakup with Edward was actually a positive thing, as it brought her to Jacob. Why am I, a non-Twilight fan, talking about this? It's because...


Following my October vacation to the Sirens conference, I've fallen behind with my usual life schedule. Sadly, all of my best habits (writing regularly, exercising, cooking healthy food, blogging) have gone by the wayside. With October nearly over and NaNoWriMo upon us, I realize it's time to get back in shape (figuratively and, okay, maybe literally too!). Some goals. Ahem. This blog now has a...

Publications of all sorts

I got another article published over at Friends of Lulu. If you've ever wanted to know the five most important things about creating graphic works, read it here. Things are getting exciting around here! I'm checking out contests for a couple of my short stories, querying FLYNN, and a friend of mine just launched a small publishing company which is desperately seeking submissions. Just what every...

Book Club and Published Review

Some updates: First, I've already announced that the next meeting of the Up and Writing Book Club will take place Friday, Sept. 4. Discussion will include the first and second sections MELTING STONES by Tamora Pierce (first section: to the end of chapter 6. second section: to the end of chapter 11.) Come and enjoy the discussion! The post will be up starting in the wee hours of the morning, so...

Resuscitating dormant pieces of the soul

Last night and today I worked on the script for my graphic novel ON CAMPUS. I'd forgotten how much I love writing and drawing graphic stories. Every time I work on it, it's like a little piece of my soul comes out of hibernation, and I feel complete. I gave up cartooning in college because I was so busy.  As a post-grad aspiring to be an author, I worked mostly on my novel, since traditional...